Protect your loved ones
Congrats - you bought a home! The next step is thinking about how you want to protect your family, in the event of loss of life. Leaving behind a home is a great asset, however, it is also a large debt. Ask yourselves these few questions:
Do you have savings for them to take time to grieve?
Insurance is only as cheap today, as it ever will be for you - because it's based on age & health. When you think of the above scenarios, it will be priceless to be able to set your loved ones up for a comfortable life if something were to ever happen to you.
We've partnered with Better Mortgage Insurance, to offer our clients the best insurance products & premiums - to ensure you're all protected. Inquire today for a free financial review to learn how much coverage you may need.
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Keep loved ones safe from debts
No! People often think this, because house insurance is typically mandatory. However, Life Insurance should strongly be considered. In fact, Mortgage Brokers have a legal obligation to offer insurance to you - whether you want it or not.
It depends what type of policy you get. Our insurance brokers can offer both creditor (mortgage) insurance or independent life insurance. Creditor Insurance tends to be cheaper, as its meant to only pay off the balance of the mortgage (which gets smaller over time) in the event of loss of life. Whereas Independent life insurance can be what is called "Level Benefit", meaning you get a policy for $500K (for example) and if you pass, the pay out is $500K no matter what your mortgage balance is. This type of insurance isn't tied to your mortgage, which can be great if you ever want to change lenders or jobs.
We recommend looking into it! Check into what your work coverage is and if you require a top up. People change and/or lose their jobs all the time, which means you'd lose your coverage too. So with independant insurance, you can ensure you are protected no matter what. Its free for an insurance broker to do a review & see if you're over or under insured.
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